Curious to know what inspired this post? Also, that stock photo speaks to me. And now I want ice cream 🍦

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I wrote a piece awhile back where I used the Mr. Rogers and Gordon Ramsey example and then I thought it would be funny to expand on it. I actually submitted this to McSweeney’s and it wasn’t accepted. I couldn’t believe it when I found that stock photo. It was too perfect. Also, I just had some apple pie a la mode.

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McSweeny’s loss is our gain! Hope the pie was delicious!

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May 30, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Simpsons one my fav...all we're good!

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I liked Mr. Rogers v Gordon Ramsay. The list is creative, and funny, but leans a little too political or judgmental for me. I do believe in a higher power and felt disrespected in a very small way. I know this was lighthearted so let's just say, I forgive you (hehehehe) Overall, really good idea and enjoyable. You do know Mr Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian minister don't you? Ha! I always enjoy your writing. Thanks Lyle

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Thanks for the feedback, Betsy. I definitely didn’t intend to offend anyone, although I did feel more trepidation when I hit the publish button on this one than most of my previous work since it’s such a big departure from my typical writing.

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You need to do Just Enough to Get You in Trouble don't you? No worries. I was leaning towards the joking side in my comment too.

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May 1, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Fun piece! My fave is Michelle Obama as an angel. I can well imagine how much better any of our lives would be were she sitting on our shoulders. Conagra stocks would go ballistic, we'd all be eating so many damned vegetables.

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Yes, I did. It felt very out of place in response to a lighthearted humor piece.

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Great numbers you have

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