Jun 26, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Naturally, I am drawn to your music stories. I know COVID played a big roll in musicians embracing TikTok. My acoustic trio had out first gig schedule the week Covid shut everything down. Including live music.

One of the guys in the band has younger kids and they told him to get on TikTok. He did and he now has over 80,000 followers. When our trio got back together in January, he said we should get on TikTok. I was clueless that music was so popular on TikTok. Anyway, we are closing in on 6000 followers already. And our last livestream had over 27k views. Plus we made $157 in tips. Not bad for sitting in a garage playing to a phone for an hour and a half.

There is band in San Francisco called Sunny & The Black Pack. They have over a half million TikTok followers. All they do now is livestream four days per week. They no longer do live gigs. Things have certainly changed.

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Wow, that’s incredible. It’s cool to hear that musicians are adapting and making it work!

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It has been completely surprising and hard to comprehend to me. I never imagined we could build a following that fast. With zero travel. 🤣 We have lucked into a “community” of about six excellent musicians who all coordinate livestream schedules so as not to compete. And we all have many of the same followers. And we plug each other on our livestreams, which helps us all grow. It is a totally different music “business” that puts musicians in charge of their own careers. I am enjoying it.

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So cool. It reminds me of the camaraderie we had between all the bands back in Isla Vista. We would have smaller, up and coming bands open our shows all the time. Or even just go to each other’s shows for moral support.

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Exactly. There is definitely a community feel with everyone working together and helping each other out. Growing the community and becoming “friends.” It is a good way to do things, I think.

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Jun 25, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Great article Lyle. Love the photos too. ❤️ Mom

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Thanks, Mom! ❤️

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I love reading stories like this. Nostalgia must be my thing.

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Jun 26, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Fun read, thanks Lyle

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Thanks, Chandler!

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Very much enjoyed and related! 🎶

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Thanks, Lail!

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