Like it or not, we all get older. And we have to embrace it (or at least accept it) and adapt. I think I got more interesting as a person after I hit 50. I certainly have more free time. I have also learned that trying to do too much is not healthy. I had to, and keep having to let things go. It is hard, but freeing afterwards. I just quit a band I had been in for 12 years. It had gotten old and I wasn’t enjoying it anymore. So I left. Now I can focus on a newer band that is taking off and I am enjoying. I have cut back on writing, because it was feeling like more of an obligation than something I want to do. I keep trying to simplify my life so I can enjoy the good things instead of being busy. Best wishes.

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You’re so right, Mark. Saying no to things is important. But also being okay with letting things go that were once important to you. Thanks for the reminder.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

About halfway through your essay, you give us a couple changes that you’ve made successfully. That’s where you should be focusing. Celebrate what’s working and build out from there. Things that haven’t been working probably aren’t going to, and all you’ll do is get down on yourself. Glass half full!

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That’s a great point, Carol. Thanks for the reminder.

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Middle age is just exhausting. Thanks for sharing.

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Isn’t it? It sometimes feels so relentless. Like you can never get ahead and just relax. Or when I do have time to relax, I end up just wanting to nap lol

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Prayers and fingers crossed for relief for your daughter and you too!

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Thanks, Dorie! ❤️

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Hi Lyle, I'm still following you and your family to get updates on Em. If you remember I reached over a year ago about my son James having similar start in life as Em. I am curious to know about her visit at the specialist office on deep brain surgery. Hoping you acan write a bit more about that if you are comfortable to do. Btw James is doing well, he's almost 2 now, can sit independently and commando crawl and walk in a walker. Thanks for your words during the time with most uncertainty for us.

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I absolutely remember you and your family! I’m so glad to hear James is doing well.

We don’t know all that much about the DBS surgery as of yet, unfortunately. We’re waiting on the neurologist to review Em’s latest MRI and do more research to see if it would be able to treat her ESES and dystonia at once or if those need to target different areas. They also don’t really do it on kids who are younger than five, so we’d have to wait awhile before going through with anything. We’re also hoping to get that team’s help dialing in her meds more because she’s on a lot of them at the moment.

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Oct 25, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Appreciate the update Lyle. Thanks.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Keep on writing Lyle! YOU, do an amazing job! Very inspiring! Life is so busy for sure and it seems to go by faster and faster the older you get, BUT, the additional things with Emily, is above an beyond most peoples lives. I hope the procedure, for Emily, if you decide to take that road, helps her out and makes her life less stressful and more fun! Bottom line is, we ALL, need more FUN and to do more of what we enjoy!👍

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Thank you, Aunt Luna ❤️

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First, I hope the Stanford trip will lead to helpful answers, fingers crossed.

Second, hoping your follow-up will be good news (but those midnight snacks might take a hit).

Looking forward to hearing some tracks as you warm up the music studio, nothing like good vibes to lead to good feelings and better rest.

Just got the Lex link, that will be interesting to see what happens with my experimental writing (GPT envy may happen and that could be a story all by itself).

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Thanks, Edward. So far, it seems like GPT might be more useful for less experimental/creative writing. But I’ll keep playing around with it. I don’t want it to be a complete replacement for my writing work. Still formulating my opinion about AI in writing, more generally. There might be a Twitter thread coming about it at some point.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Lyle McKeany

Thank you for this....and happy revolution around the sun at the end of the month......

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Thank you!

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