What a beautiful pick-me-up to wake up and read this first thing in the AM. Thankful for *you*, Lyle! Your writing is always one of the highlights of my week.

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(Also, yes, we 100% need to connect again soon!)

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Let's do it!

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Aww Lyle! Even in the worst weeks for my inbox, I always try and sift through to save some favorites and yours is consistently on my list. Thanks for always gracing us with your thoughtful writing, very grateful to have met you :)

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Appreciate you, Lyle!

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What a crew! I might as well thank the very same group (PLUS YOU!) for inspiring so much of my own art this year!! We are so lucky to have met one another through writing!

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This was so typically Lyle - gracious and graceful and generous. Thank you for mentioning me here and thank you for writing your heart out each week. It's a good heart and great writing.

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I haven't published a piece in, well, one hot dang minute, so when I received a handful of subscribers today, I thought... "wait, what day is it? It's Saturday?" Immediately, within that same train of thought, I said to myself, "Lyle. Lyle wrote something kind."

So, as always, Thank you! Thank you for being uplifting and for sharing your writing - even when it's hard. I will always be your fan --- and I'm especially grateful I am the first Sasha in this list. (Sorry Chapin. I knew him first. By, like, a few months.)

You mention SO many wonderful writers/inspirations in this piece, and I love being reminded of them.

One day, I'll get around to publishing again. Thank you Lyle. Grateful for you and your perspectives.

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I am a fan of variety, so I appreciate your randomness. 🤣 I also like the new tagging feature. Very tidy. No ugly underlining. I am sure I will use it eventually. 🤓

Thanks for the mention, also!

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No problem, Mark! I agree, the tagging feature is well done.

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...and thank you...... :)

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Thank you Lyle for all your writing! I thoroughly enjoy it:)

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Thanks Lyle! It's been so awesome to watch what you + the whole ODW crew have gotten up to in the past few years.

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It simultaneously feels like ODW was forever ago and just yesterday. It was a fun time and very formative for me and my writing (and for making writing friends).

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Thank you Lyle! For making the internet a more beautiful place with your vibes.

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Thank you, Lyle! For the kind words and all the new newsletter recs! And for being you and doing this work, of course. ❤️

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Thanks for the shout out & thanks for keeping it real, Lyle!

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thanks Lyle, you are the man, and yes to more phone catch ups

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Let’s do it!

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Your writing has always inspired me and given me permission to explore a bit deeper at times, so thanks for thinking of me along your journey!

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Thanks, Nate ❤️

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