Oct 3, 2021Liked by Lyle McKeany

Powerful Lyle

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Thanks, Chandler!

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Well that's interesting... I had that video of yours listed on my music video database! Didn't know you were in that band. Very cool.

9/11 affected pretty much the entire planet. In France, it also sent shock waves throughout the nation.

I remember very well that day. I was headed to buy a CD that had just been released when I heard the news. I was in the middle of editing a novel and it just froze me. I couldn't write or edit for like a week.

Crazy times.

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Wow, that’s such a coincidence. I’m glad you like our music!

It is interesting how 9/11 had such a global effect. I think it was partially because New York had always been this big, impactful city that symbolizes hope and freedom in a lot of ways. And then that day some of that was taken away and we all felt a little more vulnerable. Crazy times, indeed.

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I almost didn't read this because, you know, everyone is writing about 9/11 today. But it is a unique perspective. I didn't realize you were in such a popular band. I just watch the Beat The World video on YouTube. Good song.

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Thanks, Mark! Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a less-read piece of mine. But it's too much of a coincidence that 9/11 is on my weekly publishing day this year.

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