"I worry that we’re devolving into a world of mediocrity—where the raw humanity and life is sucked out of our creative work in the name of “producing content” that only adds to the noise." Yes. I worry about that, too. And then add on a layer of AI stupidity and it is even more concerning. Thank you, Lyle, for always meaningful work. Now I am thinking of going into my archive and deleting all the mediocrity... and keeping only those pieces I am very proud of. Sigh...

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Super interesting, I wrote a note about this the other day. I thought it would land. It didn’t but I hope yours does better.

I’d be intrigued to hear more about these calls and the season.

I’ve been trying to connect with other writers

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As a beginner (in publishing) when I first published I wasn’t expecting anything from my results and I was surprised when it resonated with others... but soon after I realized it’s not always like that, even when I expected a piece to be “a really good one” - It kind of discouraged me to keep publishing, because I (like many others) unconsciously associate the value of my work/art with the feedback (external validation)... I kept writing but I was too conscious about the result and that didn’t let me enjoy it like I normally used to- Reading this now was a great and needed reminder to (in your own words) “allow myself to separate the creative from the result” and free myself again. “To let whatever happens, happen”. 🫶🏽

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Well this resonated so much with me. I came across this when I needed it the most ✨

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Pumped about foster and about trying audiopen it seems dope

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May 13, 2023Liked by Lyle McKeany

Cool idea! I really liked this piece too, so nice job doing some pretty darn good writing in one hour!

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Lol I have a very complicated relationship with golf, but I definitely opened last week’s email *because* of the title. 😂

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Currently writing a piece about how we might be thinking of goals the wrong way. Your piece gave me some food for thought, too, and I might link to it if I find the appropriate place to put it. Great job for 60 minutes, Lyle!

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So excited about this!!

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